jut out

美 [dʒʌt aʊt]英 [dʒʌt aʊt]
  • 网络突出;伸出;凸出
jut outjut out


extend out or project in space
His sharp nose jutted out
A single rock sticks out from the cliff
Synonym: stick out protrude jut project


  1. She was spared the watching of the branches jut out beyond the point of balance .


  2. His mouth started to jut out , and his jaw got longer .


  3. His teeth tend to jut out a little .


  4. The cylinders tend to jut out the side of the bike , which makes it hard to take sharp corners .


  5. Tufa , the unusual rock formations that jut out of Mono Lake in California 's Eastern Sierra , are famous for their otherworldly beauty .


  6. The Fermi Bubbles jut out perpendicularly to our galaxy 's disc and encompass a length of 50000 light years , or about half the diameter of the Milky Way .


  7. According to Kah and her colleagues , the veins which jut out 2.5 inches above a patch of eroded bedrock likely formed when fluids moved through cracked rock and deposited minerals .


  8. In addition , a 50-story glass tower will jut out from inside the complex , with a distinctive set of giant spikes that opponents say will hide views of the territory 's mountains and detract from the old buildings beauty .
